I have shared a couple of cold coffee drinks in this blog
I would like to share a milk drink today.
It’s a very simple drink with just coffee and milk but theres one trick to make it layered like this.
The look makes it feel three times better than it actually is. haha.

The trick to make a layered latte is simple.
Fill your glass with a lot of ice cubes, so that it acts to soften the impact of the coffee when poured.
This prevents the milk and coffee from mixing to leave you with some nice layers.
That’s pretty much it, but let me just explain a little bit more
The Method
Let’s just jump in.
Milk is a bit more dense compared to espresso, so we want to pour the milk in the glass first.
It would depend on your glass but I use about 130g of milk.

Then comes the coffee.
If you can, I would recommend getting espresso for lattes.
It will give you much more punch of coffee and it far less likely to end up as a watery drink, especially since we need to have quite a bit of ice in the glass.
I usually go with a 24g (small double shot) of espresso.

If you don’t have espresso, not to worry.
You can just go with brewed coffee or a mocha pot.
The last thing you need is some ice.
The key here is to put enough ice cubes in so that they come above the surface of the milk.
I have about 80g of ice in here.

The final step is to just pour your coffee on top. Take care so that you pour on the ice cubes. This will soften the flow and should leave you with a nice layer of coffee on top.
That’s it. So easy.

Side note
I used to use another trick using a spoon to soften the flow.
Here is a photo of that trick (I’m making an espresso tonic here).

This spoon trick works, but even with the spoon I really had to be gentle with the pour, so I needed to move the coffee in to a container with a spout to do this.
The benefit of the ice method is that you don’t need any additional tools. And plus the ice cubes also prevent liquid flow below the surface which also is a plus for getting the layers.
The down side is that there are a lot of ice cubes in the drink, so you need to drink it quickly.
One last thing. Make sure you use a spoon to mix the drink before drinking.
(I don’t care that the entire point of the ice cube trick was that you didn’t need a spoon. haha)
